Welcome to MoKids!
Birth-5th Grade
Our goal is for your kids to wake up every morning, rub the crust out of their eyes, and ask, “Hey, is it Sunday yet?”
Bottom line: At Momentum – we love kids! They’re a high priority to us. And the biggest reason we really value children is because Jesus valued children.
What goes on in MoKids?
While you are learning and worshiping with the “big people,” you have the opportunity of letting your kids interact with other children their ages — playing games, learning worship songs, constructing crafts, and hearing stories with timeless lessons from the Bible: Adam & Eve, Noah, Esther, David & Goliath, the life and teachings of Jesus (i.e., The Golden Rule – “Do to others what you would want them to do to you.”), the original Christmas and Easter stories, and tons of other great scriptures that will help your little pal grow closer to God. You can totally keep your kids with you in the main auditorium – but they would definitely learn more in MoKids, because the lessons are geared towards kids.
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